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Hung Chief, Steve Stiffer, and ripped bodied Captain, Robert Axel, are also players in the game of trying to uncover who is supplying Jami `s HFS. Legendary XXX Porn Star, Ron Jeremy, makes a rare gay porn appearance offering advice to the duo before hard dicks break out and Goodman unleashes a pounding on Price in the boys room. Along the way the pair of muscle bound sleuths accidentally trip on a new drug called HFS aka Horny Fucking Shit after scoring it off the local hunky drug dealer, Kris Jami. New from Jet Set Men a NEW Gay XXX Parody starring Mega Star Riley Price and neer Ja Goodman delivering incredible lead performances as two undercover cops posed to infiltrate a local high school. Genres: Hunks,Rimming, Muscle, Masturbate, Big Cocks Cast: Robert Axel, Riley Price, Bryce Star, Doug Acres, Jason Goodman, Kris Jamieson, Steve Stiffer

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